Over the years I hope to gradually improve my artwork. I’m primarily interested in sketching and painting, and often landscapes. These subjects tend to compliment my other hobbies such as hiking.

When travelling I find a quick sketch to be the best way to capture an environment. The emotion of the scene can be replicated in a way that a quick photograph does not. Additionally, it forces you to actually sit down and really observe the environment.

Spectacle Head, Cupids NL
Spectacle Head, Cupids NL

Just visible near the top of Spectacle hill is the American Man. This was the subject of many dog walks.

Earliest on I mostly did acrylic. Generally these would be done in one or two nights. Any larger projects feel too indimidating. I found I was pretty surprise with how much I liked working blending large blocks of colour.

Various acrylic, most now donated to the circular filing cabinet
Various acrylic, most now donated to the circular filing cabinet

I eventually moved a little more towards watercolour. I find it is faster and the equipment is much smaller. This makes it well suited to hiking and travelling. It is however less forgiving, but since I generally stick to very small work, this does not tend to be a huge problem.

I particularly enjoyed this circular series of watercolours. They were sized such that they could fit under the lid of a mason jar. They were given to friends and family along with homemade jam.

Most recently I have been focussing on pen. It is very unforgiving, but very satisfying. I have done some work in pencil, but find I struggle to get any clear drawings. Everything in pencil just dissolves into mush. With pen I am unable to do this.